bahasa indonesia
Taeyeon pernah kehilangan handpone-nya, dan ternyata ditemukan di dalam kulkas
Kim Taeyeon mengaku sekali bahwa hobinya adalah mengurus anak kecil dan spesialisasinya adalah akting sebagai seorang pemimpin
Fans Taeyeon disebut TaeGang unite
Music favoritnya di Girls’ Generation : Merry-Go-Round
Taeyeon ingin menjadi guru matematika
TaeYeon pernah bermain RF Online
Taeyeon berbicara ketika tidur
Kim Taeyeon mengaku sekali bahwa hobinya adalah mengurus anak kecil dan spesialisasinya adalah akting sebagai seorang pemimpin
Fans Taeyeon disebut TaeGang unite
Music favoritnya di Girls’ Generation : Merry-Go-Round
Taeyeon ingin menjadi guru matematika
TaeYeon pernah bermain RF Online
Taeyeon berbicara ketika tidur
julukan : Taengoo, Taeng, Tete, Kid Leader, ByunTaeng (pervert Taeng) Our reluctant dorky kid leader
mempunyai 5 tindikan di telinga
mempunyai suara yg sangat indah makanya jadi Vokalis Utama dan termasuk dalam penyanyi terbaik SM..
termasuk salah satu juru masak di SNSD..
Tidak mudah takut pada kisah-kisah hantu dan supranatural.
Buruk dalam melakukan gaya aegyo
Terpilih sebagai ”Cinta Pencuri Award” di MBC Comes to Play
Sets kameranya untuk kecerahan maksimum ketika mengambil gambar dirinya sendiri.
Taeyeon pernah melarikan diri saat masa Trainee SM karena stress
tapi untung dia balik.. (tahukan betapa sadisnya pelatihan SM itu)
AFAIK, ia telah mengetuk / menyentuh / meraba-raba pantatnya Yuri, Tiffany, dan Kara’s Nicole
Seohyun menonton televisi hingga jam 2 dini hari. Acara apa yang ditonton? Kartun.
Fans Seohtun dinamakan SeoMates
Seohyun adalah yang terlambat ketika mandi
Fans Seohtun dinamakan SeoMates
Seohyun adalah yang terlambat ketika mandi
julukan : Maknae (si bungsu satu), Seororo
suka maen Piano..
sangat cinta sama Keroro dan sangat baik ketika ia menirukan suara keroro..
member SNSD yg paling sabar..
Yoona & Yuri share kamar berdua
Fans Yoona dinamakan YoonAddict
SHINee Jonghyun ngefans berat dengan SNSD Yoona and SNSD Jessica
Fans Yoona dinamakan YoonAddict
SHINee Jonghyun ngefans berat dengan SNSD Yoona and SNSD Jessica
Buruk memasak. Hampir seburuk Jessica
member SNSD yg (mungkin) paling terkenal
suka main dalam drama seri
Fans Hyoyeon dinamakan Hyorengi/Hyohunnies
Hyoyeon memiliki 14 tindikan di telinga dan 1 di lidah.
Hyoyeon memiliki 14 tindikan di telinga dan 1 di lidah.
Dianggap Yuri sebagai ancaman sebagai ratu menari SNSD .
dianggap meninggalkan SNSD karena gaya tari tidak cocok SNSD’s
Konon salah satu dari lebih menonjol dan terkenal SM peserta pelatihan bersama dengan Jessica dan Yoona
salah satu koki terbaik SNSD bersama Taeyeon
Anggota SNSD memilih Yuri sebagai anggota yang penampilannya terus membaik semenjak debut pertama mereka.
Sooyoung memiliki kaki terindah, dan Yuri memiliki body terindah di SNSD
Sunny pernah mengatakan kalau Igauan Yuri ketika tidur adalah yang paling ekstrim dan tangguh yang pernah ia lihat
SNSD jarang memakan ayam sebagaimana dipelopori oleh Yuri
Fans Yuri Dinamakan Yurisistable
Yuri dan Sooyoung pernah satu sekolah
Arti nama Yuri adalah kaca
Yuri sangat menyukai hari jumat
Sooyoung memiliki kaki terindah, dan Yuri memiliki body terindah di SNSD
Sunny pernah mengatakan kalau Igauan Yuri ketika tidur adalah yang paling ekstrim dan tangguh yang pernah ia lihat
SNSD jarang memakan ayam sebagaimana dipelopori oleh Yuri
Fans Yuri Dinamakan Yurisistable
Yuri dan Sooyoung pernah satu sekolah
Arti nama Yuri adalah kaca
Yuri sangat menyukai hari jumat
Julukan : Yul, Kkab-Yul (playful Yul), Black Pearl
sangat pintar dlm hal YOGA dan mempunyai bentuk tubuh paling indah di SNSD.
termasuk kedalam 2 penari terbaik SNSD.
suka banget ngerjain member SNSD lainnya terutama si Fany..
suka memasak walaupun ga bisa masak..
tipe pencemburu..
suka digosipin sama Kim Tae Woo
Yuri akan menjadi feminim ketika dekat seorang cowok
Anggota SNSD memilih Yuri sebagai anggota yang penampilannya terus membaik semenjak debut pertama mereka.
23. Fans Tiffany disebut Fanytastics
24. Kebiasaan khusus Tifanny adalah memotong makanannya terlebih dahulu sebelum dimakan
24. Kebiasaan khusus Tifanny adalah memotong makanannya terlebih dahulu sebelum dimakan
julukan : Fany Fany Tiffany, DdilFany (canggung Fany), AjumNy, Jamur, Fany si bodoh
karna berasal dr california jd nggak terlalu bisa ngomong logat
korea seperti : Memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai “terang daripada permata
…” tapi karena ia salah mengucapkan beberapa kata korea, itu terdengar
seperti “terang daripada jamur”
Mungkin ini yang paling dibenci di SNSD. Terutama karena
keterusterangannya ..(makanya bnyk yang nggak suka sama sifatnya si Fani
onie karena dia itu nggak pinter basa-basi, mungkin karena biasa
tinggal di Caligornia yang biasa ceplas ceplos dalam berbicara.
Maksudnya langsung to the point.)
hobi gonta-ganti gaya Rambut
takut banget sama yg namanya serangga
paling sering dikerjain
terkenal dengan eye-smilenya
Nomor Sooyoung adalah 24 karena ia ingin menikah di umur 24
Sooyoung pernah mengatakan kalau suara Tiffany mirip selai kacang??
Fans Sooyoung dinamakan Sooyoungsters
Sooyoung adalah shikshin (pecinta makanan) no. 1 di SNSD
SooYoung dapat memakan 3 scope es krim dalam waktu 5 menit
Sooyoung pernah mengatakan kalau suara Tiffany mirip selai kacang??
Fans Sooyoung dinamakan Sooyoungsters
Sooyoung adalah shikshin (pecinta makanan) no. 1 di SNSD
SooYoung dapat memakan 3 scope es krim dalam waktu 5 menit
julukan : Shik shin (God of food), NaSoo (interrupter)
member snsd yg paling tinggi..
makan bisa sampai 8 kali sehari tapi nggak gemuk-gemuk
Jangan membuatnya menunjukkan padanya aegyo
Sangat takut kisah-kisah hantu dan supranatural
Tidak takut apapun pada taman hiburan
Fans Jessica disebut GorJess Spazzers
Jessica lebih memilih tidur dibandingkan makan
Jessica membenci ketimun
Jessica dan Tiffany adalah dua member dengan bahasa inggris paling lancar
Jessica menangis ketika ia lapar
Jessica lebih memilih tidur dibandingkan makan
Jessica membenci ketimun
Jessica dan Tiffany adalah dua member dengan bahasa inggris paling lancar
Jessica menangis ketika ia lapar
julukan : Sica, Jessi, Sergeant Sic, Sicachu, Sickal (knive), Ice Princess
masa trainee SM nya selama kurang lebih 7 tahun..
ga bisa masak sama sekali..
hobynya tidur.. dia tidur dalam waktu 12 jam sehari walaupun sangat
sibuk.. dan para anak SNSD pernah melemparkan tubuhnya saat tidur dan
masih gagal untuk membangunkannya..
berjalan kayak laki2..
Fans Jessica disebut GorJess SpazzersJessica lebih memilih tidur dibandingkan makan
Sunny masih memiliki fobia kembang api dan suara bising.
Sunny benci minum susu.
Sunny adalah anggota terakhir yang join SNSD
Sunny tidak pernah berkencan atau mencium orang lain.
Semua member kenbal terhadap terhadao Aegyo(keimutan) Sunny.
Fans Sunny dinamakan Sunshiners
Salah satu nickname Sunny adalah “Energy Pill”
Sunny benci minum susu.
Sunny adalah anggota terakhir yang join SNSD
Sunny tidak pernah berkencan atau mencium orang lain.
Semua member kenbal terhadap terhadao Aegyo(keimutan) Sunny.
Fans Sunny dinamakan Sunshiners
Salah satu nickname Sunny adalah “Energy Pill”
julukan : DJ Soon, Sunny Bunny, Che Danshin (the shortest)
dijuluki sebagai ratu Aigyo
Best babysitter
sangat takut sama petasan atau suara2 keras..
lahir di Kuwait kurang dari setahun sebelum Perang Teluk ..
keponakannya ketua SM..makanya bnyk yg bilang kalao si Sunny ini tuh
masuk SM lewat jalan saudara dan dia ini termasuk trainee misteriuss..
member SNSD terpendek..
benci sama nama sebenarnya (Lee SoonKyu)
Fakta Umum Lainnya:
Sebelum debut pertamanya, SNSD beranggotakan 12 Orang dan salah satu anggotanya adalah Soyeon dari Tara
Kostum SNSD untuk Tahun 2009 menghabiskan biaya sebanyak 1 milyar Won
Peraturan kencan anggota SNSD: "Jangan ada rahasia antara anggota"
Satu kalimat terkenal dari SNSD: "Ini adalah SNSD, Mulai sekarang, SNSD selamanya"
Warna resmi balon SNSD adalah warna "pink mawar pastel"
SNSD adalah gorup girl paling populer dan terbesar di Korea
Salah satu daya tarik terbesar SNSD adalah performa dance yang kompak. Untuk menjaga hal ini setiap hari para anggotanya akan berbincang sambil berpegangan tangan satu sama lain selama 5 menit setiap hari
SNSD merupakan selebriti korea paling berpengaruh no 1. menurut forbes
Kostum SNSD untuk Tahun 2009 menghabiskan biaya sebanyak 1 milyar Won
Peraturan kencan anggota SNSD: "Jangan ada rahasia antara anggota"
Satu kalimat terkenal dari SNSD: "Ini adalah SNSD, Mulai sekarang, SNSD selamanya"
Warna resmi balon SNSD adalah warna "pink mawar pastel"
SNSD adalah gorup girl paling populer dan terbesar di Korea
Salah satu daya tarik terbesar SNSD adalah performa dance yang kompak. Untuk menjaga hal ini setiap hari para anggotanya akan berbincang sambil berpegangan tangan satu sama lain selama 5 menit setiap hari
SNSD merupakan selebriti korea paling berpengaruh no 1. menurut forbes
Taeyeon handpone never lose it, and it was found in the refrigerator
Kim Taeyeon once confessed that his hobby is taking care of small children and her specialty is acting as a leader
Fans unite Taeyeon called TaeGangFavorite music in the Girls' Generation: Merry-Go-Round
Taeyeon wanted to be a math teacherTaeyeon never played RF Online
Taeyeon talk while asleep
epithet: Taengoo, Taeng, Tete, Kid Leader, ByunTaeng (pervert Taeng) Our dorky kid reluctant leader
have 5 piercings in the ears
has a very beautiful voice so why Main Vocalist and included in the SM best singer ..
including one cook in SNSD ..
Not easily scared of ghost stories and supernatural.
Perform poorly in style aegyo
Selected as "Love Thieves Award" at MBC Comes to Play
Sets the maximum brightness when the camera to take pictures of himself.
Taeyeon had fled when the SM trainees because of stress but fortunately he's back .. (SM training them know how sadistic it)
AFAIK, he has tapped / touched / groped her butt Yuri, Tiffany, and Kara's Nicole
Seohyun watching television until the early morning hours of 2. What to watch the show? Cartoons.
Fans Seohtun called SeoMates
Seohyun is too late when the bath
epithet: maknae (the youngest one), Seororo
Like Piano maen ..
so in love with Keroro and very good when he was imitating the sounds of Keroro ..
the most impatient SNSD member ..
Yoona and Yuri share two rooms
Yoona fans called YoonAddict
SHINee Jonghyun ngefans weight with SNSD SNSD Yoona and Jessica
A bad cook. Almost as bad as Jessica
SNSD member who (probably) most famous
likes to play in a drama series
Fans Hyoyeon called Hyorengi / Hyohunnies
Hyoyeon has 14 piercings in one ear and the tongue.
Regarded as a threat as Yuri SNSD dancing queen.
considered leaving SNSD dance style is not suitable for SNSD's
It is said that one of the more prominent and well-known SM trainees along with Jessica and Yoona
one of the best chefs together SNSD Taeyeon
Yuri SNSD members as members choose the performance continued to improve since their first debut.
Sooyoung has beautiful feet, and Yuri has a beautiful body in SNSD
Sunny has said that Yuri delirium when sleep is the most extreme and powerful that he had seen
SNSD rarely eat chicken as spearheaded by Yuri
Named Yuri Fans Yurisistable
Yuri and Sooyoung had a school
Yuri is the meaning of the name of the glass
Yuri really likes Friday
Epithet: Yul, Kkab-Yul (Yul playful), Black Pearl
YOGA in the event of very smart and has the most beautiful body shapes in SNSD.
included into the two best dancers SNSD.
ngerjain really like the other SNSD members, especially the Fany ..
love to cook although can cook ga ..
jealous type ..
same like Kim Tae Woo digosipin
Yuri will be feminine when close to a guy
Yuri SNSD members as members choose the performance continued to improve since their first debut.
Fans Tiffany called Fanytastics Tifanny quirks are cutting their food before eating
epithet: Fany Fany Tiffany, DdilFany (awkward Fany), AjumNy, Mushrooms, Fany fool
california jd from dr because no Korean accent too can talk like: Introducing himself as "brighter than jewels ..." but because he mispronounced some word korea, it sounds like "brighter than mushrooms"
Maybe this is the most hated in SNSD. Mainly because of her frankness .. (so bnyk who do not like Fani Onie the same nature because he was not clever preamble, perhaps because of ordinary lives in ordinary Caligornia speak out frankly speaking. That is straight to the point.)
hobby mutually Hair style
really scared the same thing as the insect
The most frequently dikerjain
famous for its eye-smilenya
Sooyoung number is 24 because he wanted to get married at age 24
Sooyoung Tiffany has said that sound like peanut butter?
Fans Sooyoung called Sooyoungsters
Sooyoung is shikshin (foodie) no. 1 in SNSD
SooYoung can take three scopes of ice cream in 5 minutes
epithet: Shik Shin (God of food), NaSoo (interrupter)
the most high snsd member ..
can eat up to 8 times a day but not fat
Do not make it show him aegyo
Very afraid of ghost stories and supernatural
Not afraid of anything on the amusement park
Fans Jessica called GorJess Spazzers
Jessica rather sleep than eat
Jessica hates cucumber
Jessica and Tiffany are two members with the most fluent english
Jessica cried when he was hungry
epithet: Sica, Jessi, Sergeant Sic, Sicachu, Sickal (knive), Ice Princess
SM trainee during the period was about 7 years ..
ga can cook at all ..
hobynya sleep .. he slept in 12 hours a day, although very busy .. SNSD and their children had thrown his body during sleep and still failed to wake him up ..
running kayak laki2 ..
Fans Jessica called GorJess SpazzersJessica prefer to sleep than to eat
Sunny still has a phobia of fireworks and noise.
Sunny hate drinking milk.
Sunny was the last member who join SNSD
Sunny never dated or kissed anyone else.
All member kenbal against against each Aegyo (keimutan) Sunny.
Fans named Sunny Sunshiners
Sunny one nickname is "Energy Pill"
epithet: DJ Soon, Sunny Bunny, Che Danshin (the shortest)
dubbed the queen Aigyo
Best babysitter
very scared of loud firecrackers or suara2 ..
born in Kuwait less than a year before the Gulf War ..
SM nephew .. so bnyk chairman who said this Sunny Kalao the SM tuh go through the streets brother and he is including trainees misteriuss ..
shortest SNSD member ..
hate her real name (Lee SoonKyu)
Other General Facts:
Before his debut, SNSD's 12 people and is a member of the Tara Soyeon SNSD costumes for the Year 2009 cost as much as 1 billion Won SNSD members of the dating rule: "Let no secret among the members" A famous phrase from SNSD: "This is SNSD, From now on, SNSD forever" SNSD's official balloon color is the color "pink pastel roses" SNSD is the most popular girl gorup and the largest in Korea One of the biggest attraction is the SNSD dance performance in a compact. To keep this going every day of their members holding hands talking to each other for 5 minutes each day SNSD is the most influential celebrity korean no 1. think for
Taeyeon handpone never lose it, and it was found in the refrigerator
Kim Taeyeon once confessed that his hobby is taking care of small children and her specialty is acting as a leader
Fans unite Taeyeon called TaeGangFavorite music in the Girls' Generation: Merry-Go-Round
Taeyeon wanted to be a math teacherTaeyeon never played RF Online
Taeyeon talk while asleep
epithet: Taengoo, Taeng, Tete, Kid Leader, ByunTaeng (pervert Taeng) Our dorky kid reluctant leader
have 5 piercings in the ears
has a very beautiful voice so why Main Vocalist and included in the SM best singer ..
including one cook in SNSD ..
Not easily scared of ghost stories and supernatural.
Perform poorly in style aegyo
Selected as "Love Thieves Award" at MBC Comes to Play
Sets the maximum brightness when the camera to take pictures of himself.
Taeyeon had fled when the SM trainees because of stress but fortunately he's back .. (SM training them know how sadistic it)
AFAIK, he has tapped / touched / groped her butt Yuri, Tiffany, and Kara's Nicole
Seohyun watching television until the early morning hours of 2. What to watch the show? Cartoons.
Fans Seohtun called SeoMates
Seohyun is too late when the bath
epithet: maknae (the youngest one), Seororo
Like Piano maen ..
so in love with Keroro and very good when he was imitating the sounds of Keroro ..
the most impatient SNSD member ..
Yoona and Yuri share two rooms
Yoona fans called YoonAddict
SHINee Jonghyun ngefans weight with SNSD SNSD Yoona and Jessica
A bad cook. Almost as bad as Jessica
SNSD member who (probably) most famous
likes to play in a drama series
Fans Hyoyeon called Hyorengi / Hyohunnies
Hyoyeon has 14 piercings in one ear and the tongue.
Regarded as a threat as Yuri SNSD dancing queen.
considered leaving SNSD dance style is not suitable for SNSD's
It is said that one of the more prominent and well-known SM trainees along with Jessica and Yoona
one of the best chefs together SNSD Taeyeon
Yuri SNSD members as members choose the performance continued to improve since their first debut.
Sooyoung has beautiful feet, and Yuri has a beautiful body in SNSD
Sunny has said that Yuri delirium when sleep is the most extreme and powerful that he had seen
SNSD rarely eat chicken as spearheaded by Yuri
Named Yuri Fans Yurisistable
Yuri and Sooyoung had a school
Yuri is the meaning of the name of the glass
Yuri really likes Friday
Epithet: Yul, Kkab-Yul (Yul playful), Black Pearl
YOGA in the event of very smart and has the most beautiful body shapes in SNSD.
included into the two best dancers SNSD.
ngerjain really like the other SNSD members, especially the Fany ..
love to cook although can cook ga ..
jealous type ..
same like Kim Tae Woo digosipin
Yuri will be feminine when close to a guy
Yuri SNSD members as members choose the performance continued to improve since their first debut.
Fans Tiffany called Fanytastics Tifanny quirks are cutting their food before eating
epithet: Fany Fany Tiffany, DdilFany (awkward Fany), AjumNy, Mushrooms, Fany fool
california jd from dr because no Korean accent too can talk like: Introducing himself as "brighter than jewels ..." but because he mispronounced some word korea, it sounds like "brighter than mushrooms"
Maybe this is the most hated in SNSD. Mainly because of her frankness .. (so bnyk who do not like Fani Onie the same nature because he was not clever preamble, perhaps because of ordinary lives in ordinary Caligornia speak out frankly speaking. That is straight to the point.)
hobby mutually Hair style
really scared the same thing as the insect
The most frequently dikerjain
famous for its eye-smilenya
Sooyoung number is 24 because he wanted to get married at age 24
Sooyoung Tiffany has said that sound like peanut butter?
Fans Sooyoung called Sooyoungsters
Sooyoung is shikshin (foodie) no. 1 in SNSD
SooYoung can take three scopes of ice cream in 5 minutes
epithet: Shik Shin (God of food), NaSoo (interrupter)
the most high snsd member ..
can eat up to 8 times a day but not fat
Do not make it show him aegyo
Very afraid of ghost stories and supernatural
Not afraid of anything on the amusement park
Fans Jessica called GorJess Spazzers
Jessica rather sleep than eat
Jessica hates cucumber
Jessica and Tiffany are two members with the most fluent english
Jessica cried when he was hungry
epithet: Sica, Jessi, Sergeant Sic, Sicachu, Sickal (knive), Ice Princess
SM trainee during the period was about 7 years ..
ga can cook at all ..
hobynya sleep .. he slept in 12 hours a day, although very busy .. SNSD and their children had thrown his body during sleep and still failed to wake him up ..
running kayak laki2 ..
Fans Jessica called GorJess SpazzersJessica prefer to sleep than to eat
Sunny still has a phobia of fireworks and noise.
Sunny hate drinking milk.
Sunny was the last member who join SNSD
Sunny never dated or kissed anyone else.
All member kenbal against against each Aegyo (keimutan) Sunny.
Fans named Sunny Sunshiners
Sunny one nickname is "Energy Pill"
epithet: DJ Soon, Sunny Bunny, Che Danshin (the shortest)
dubbed the queen Aigyo
Best babysitter
very scared of loud firecrackers or suara2 ..
born in Kuwait less than a year before the Gulf War ..
SM nephew .. so bnyk chairman who said this Sunny Kalao the SM tuh go through the streets brother and he is including trainees misteriuss ..
shortest SNSD member ..
hate her real name (Lee SoonKyu)
Other General Facts:
Before his debut, SNSD's 12 people and is a member of the Tara Soyeon SNSD costumes for the Year 2009 cost as much as 1 billion Won SNSD members of the dating rule: "Let no secret among the members" A famous phrase from SNSD: "This is SNSD, From now on, SNSD forever" SNSD's official balloon color is the color "pink pastel roses" SNSD is the most popular girl gorup and the largest in Korea One of the biggest attraction is the SNSD dance performance in a compact. To keep this going every day of their members holding hands talking to each other for 5 minutes each day SNSD is the most influential celebrity korean no 1. think for
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